Kamis, 19 Juli 2012

Contemporary Art Gallery Indonesia

Contemporary Art Gallery Indonesia - One of the most active Indonesian contemporary art gallery is Edwin’s gallery. Edwin’s gallery is the longest – running private art gallery in Indonesia which was founded and established in 1984 by Edwin Rahardjo at kemang Jakarta Indonesia.

Contemporary Art Gallery Indonesia
Edwin rahardjo started his business  at Kemang  from a small gallery space and photography studio in his garage, and now edwin’s gallery stands on an area of 2000 m2, it consists around 500 m2 solely exibition spaces.  Edwin’s gallery as one of an Indonesian Contemporary Art Gallery has hosted more than 150 exhibitions and presented more than 200 established contemporary artists both local and regional artists.

The Highlighted prominent Indonesian contemporary artists who have taken part in Edwin’s gallery exhibitions are Heri dono, Sunaryo, Nyoman Nuarta, Dolorosa Sinaga, Rudy Mantofani, Handiwirman, Agus Suwage, Ivan sagita, Yani mariani, S Teddy D.  Many of these artists have been presented In the international art scene  By Edwin’s Gallery, such as at NUS Museum in Singapore, Sichuan Art museum in China and Open Asia 2004  in Venice.

Beside promoting Indonesian contemporary artists abroad, Edwin’s gallery has also a major role in Introducing International contemporary artists and hosting significant number of  Contemporary Art exhibitions presenting their art works in Indonesia. One of Edwin’s Gallery most significant initiates in this part is with the exhibition From China with Art at the Galeri Nasional Indonesia, who was curated by Johnson Chang and at this exhibition showing art works of the famous names of Chinese contemporary artists, such as Tang Zhigang, Zhang Xiaogang, Yue Minjun, Wang Guangyi and Fang Lijun.


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